Advanced Care Planning with Hospice of Southern Maine

Event Date: 
Monday, November 13, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:30am

Hospice of Southern Maine encourages people of all ages to consider, discuss, and document their end-of-life health care wishes. In this session on Advance Care Planning you will learn about the planning process so that your care will reflect your values and choices if you become unable to communicate your decisions.  We will discuss the Maine Health Care Advance Directive Form and the POLST – Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment.  We will share other ideas on considerations for how we can all exit this world gracefully and on our own terms, while not leaving a lot of confusing, upsetting, and time-consuming issues for our loved ones to handle.  We should plan for our loved ones’ care, as well! Speaker: Kim Crabill, Hospice of Southern Maine