Cumberland Area Rides (CAR)

The Cumberland Area Rides (CAR) is volunteer service that provides rides to medical appointments, pharmacy, grocery store, religious services, food pantry, and general errands. Ride requests are made through our coordinators and every effort is made to fill the requests, although there are occasions when no volunteer is available. This program is for Cumberland residents, who are 55 and older.
If you have never used this program, please call 829-3367 to get registered. 
  • You must have driven for at least three years and complete the necessary paperwork.
  • Current vehicle registration + inspection
  • Need to commit to at least 2 rides per month

Please consider becoming a volunteer with the CAR program. For more information or to apply to be a volunteer, please email or call 829-2208 ext 1042. The CAR program is a partnership with the Congregational Church in Cumberland and Active Living 55+, Cumberland.