Middle Road Project Update


The first phase of the Middle Road Improvement project is complete! The work included a complete replacement of the gravel base, a system of catch basins, a 4-inch natural gas main, and nearly ½ mile of base pavement. Work also included the replacement of existing water services and re-alignment of utility poles along the entire 1.6 miles of the project. The first phase wrapped up with the placement of pavement from Tuttle Road to just north of Chenery Brook on July 5th. 

The next phase of construction will include roadway improvements and shoulder widening, extension of the 12-inch water main to the Falmouth Town line, extension of the 4-inch natural gas main, and drainage improvements along both sides of the road. It is anticipated that trenching for the waterline extension may require blasting of ledge. After the roadway and utility work is complete, the base pavement will be placed and clean-up work will be completed this fall. The project will wrap-up with surface paving in the Spring of 2018.

Thank you for your patience and your careful consideration of the construction crews and inspectors along Middle Road!