Many Faces of Grief

Event Date: 
Monday, February 5, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Join us for a presentation on the many faces of grief as we explore what grief is, when it can happen, and the many ways it affects us. We will talk about the entire spectrum of grief, from anticipatory grief experienced prior to a loss to the ways we struggle when we experience loss. Grief is natural, normal, and happens to everyone and we will learn how to recognize grief in ourselves and in others. Kelly will share some resources to help those struggling with loss.

Kelly Blanchette is the bereavement services manager at Hospice of Southern Maine. She obtained both degrees and professional certifications in child life (Wheelock College, BA, CCLS) and thanatology (Marian University, MS, CT), and spent nineteen years working as a child life specialist in pediatric hematology/oncology before joining the HSM team. She has presented at local and national 
conferences and is passionate about helping people understand what grief is and supporting them through it.