Drug Take Back Box

drop box
The Cumberland Police Department is happy to offer a drug take back box in our lobby! The Police Department entrance is located behind Cumberland Town Hall.
The drug take back box allows for safe and discrete disposal of your unused or unwanted medications. It is available 24/7 and is a great way to keep your medicine closet clean and prevent medications from ending up in the wrong hands!
We can not accept liquids or needles! This protects our officers who are disposing items and allows us to meet the guidelines of the program.
You may be wondering, how can I dispose of liquids or needles then? We are here to help! Below are a few links regarding the disposal of liquids and other drugs of concern, believe it or not the FDA does suggest “flushing” of certain substances.
There is also a helpful link for the disposal of needles, the suggested practice is to place needles in a strong, plastic container such as a laundry detergent bottle. Once the container is ¾ full put the lid on it, seal it with duct tape and label “DO NOT RECYCLE”.”
Click on the links below for more information on safe disposal!