Planning Board Agenda

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - 7:00pm
Town of Cumberland Planning Board Meeting
Cumberland Town Hall - Council Chambers
290 Tuttle Road, Cumberland, Maine 04021
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
7:00 pm Regular Meeting
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Election of Officer:  Vice Chairman
E. Staff Site Plan Approval:   
F. Minor Change Approvals:   
G. Hearings and Presentations: 
H. Administrative Matters/New Business:
I. Adjournment
Planning Board Meeting Steps
1. Chair announces the agenda item; turns it over to Town Planner.
2. Town Planner provides the overview, history, and status of the project.
3. Board asks questions of Town Planner.
4. Chair introduces Applicant (or Applicant’s representative) to make presentation.
5. Board asks questions of the Applicant.
6. Chair opens public hearing.
7. Members of the public (if any are present) speak.
8. Chair closes public hearing.
9. Board discusses project.
10. Motion to approve or deny any requested waivers.
11. Review the draft Findings of Fact as prepared by the Town Planner.  Adopt as written or amended.
12. Consider the proposed conditions of approval as prepared by the Town Planner.  Adopt as written or amended.
13. Motion to approve the project with the Standard and Proposed Conditions of Approval.  (Or a motion to deny or table the application)